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Deep Ellum Route

The purpose of this survey is to review and get input on five options for a bicycle facility east-west through Deep Ellum to connect Deep Ellum, the Santa Fe Trail, East Dallas, and White Rock Lake to the existing and funded on-street bicycle facilities in Downtown. 


Your feedback will be used to select a recommended route to include in the Dallas Bike Plan Update.,

Public Meeting Recording 6.4..24

Route Options

Each street offers a set of unique challenges to designing safe, continuous bike infrastructure. From the width of the public right of way and what type of bike facilities fit, to the frequency of curb cuts and driveways, the design of intersections, and one-way streets, many considerations can make one route preferable to another route.

Consider the options below, taking into consideration the various characteristics that would impact the experience of traveling on each route (as a person biking or scootering), or traveling beside each route (as a person driving a car), to determine which would be preferable.  Then complete the 2-minute survey below. 

If you'd like to be notified of updates regarding the Dallas Bike Plan, sign up with your email at the bottom of the page.

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Option 1: Canton


    • Bike facility is physically separated from cars (higher comfort)

    • On-street parking is maintained on at least one side of the street, if not both


    • Less direct connectivity to area businesses, restaurants

    • Removal of one travel lane in each direction may impact through-traffic 

    • Less direct route for bicyclists (4 turns between Elm & Exposition to the two-way bike lanes on Commerce and Jackson downtown)

    • Narrow travel and parking lanes could create conflicts with trucks and buses that use this arterial

    • Higher cost to implement

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Option 2: Commerce


    • Bike facility is physically separated from cars (higher comfort)

    • Direct access to many businesses and restaurants

    • More direct route for bicyclists (2 turns)

    • Maintains on-street parking for businesses


    • Would impact the current two-way conversion of Commerce Street in Deep Ellum that is under construction, for the project to be redesigned to accommodate bike lanes

    • Higher cost to implement

    • Sidewalks on Commerce would not be as wide as desired by businesses

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Option 3: Main


    • Bike facility is physically separated from cars (higher comfort)

    • Direct access to many businesses and restaurants

    • Maintains on-street parking for businesses


    • Less direct route for bicyclists (5 turns)

    • Would require sidewalks on Main Street to be narrowed slightly to accommodate the bike lanes

    • Higher cost to implement (requires moving curbs to narrow the sidewalks)

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Option 4: Elm


    • Bike facility is physically separated from cars (higher comfort)

    • Direct access to many businesses and restaurants

    • More direct route for bicyclists (2 turns)

    • Maintains on-street parking for businesses


    • Would require sidewalks on Elm Street to be narrowed slightly to accommodate the bike lanes. Could require removal of some trees.

    • Higher cost associated (requires moving curbs to narrow the sidewalks)

Click to enlarge

Option 5: Main, No Build


    • Minimal cost to implement

    • Maintains on-street parking for businesses


    • Bike facility is not physically separated from cars (lower comfort), and therefore unlikely to encourage more people to bike or scooter for transportation

    • Less direct route for bicyclists (5 turns)

Preference Survey:


We'll be in touch soon!

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